Scheduled Closings
SmartEarly will be closed on the following holidays:
- New Year’s Day*
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day**
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth*
- Independence Day*
- Labor Day
- Columbus Day**
- Thanksgiving Day & Day After
- Christmas Eve* – early closing at 3:00 pm
- Christmas Day*
* When holiday falls on a weekend, the observed weekday(s) will be posted 30 days prior.
** Closed for Teacher Professional Development.
Weather Closings
SmartEarly will make every effort to stay open in inclement weather. If safe passage is not possible for families and SmartEarly employees, a delayed opening, a full day closing or early closing may be unavoidable. All center closings will be posted on our FaceBook page (click here). If an early closing occurs, parents or alternate pick-up persons will be called and notified of the early closing time.
Note that even if local schools are closed, SmartEarly will most likely remain open.