We get your child moving every day! Whether an infant is learning to reach, roll, crawl or walk or a preschooler is riding a tricycle, dancing or playing four-square, they will move! Exercise is built into our curriculum at every stage of growth and development.

The SmartEarly Music & Movement enrichment program is an important part of the curriculum. Teachers lead their students in Music & Movement classes held in our indoor gyms as part of the Learning Experience Plan. Bean bags, hula-hoops, silk parachutes, musical instruments and appropriate children’s music all engage children in exciting and energizing activities. Your child will learn basic dance moves, develop physical self-confidence and participate in a group with friends.

The outdoor playgrounds provide space and equipment where your child will develop gross motor skills, strength, mobility and coordination. You will hear voices singing, hands clapping and feet stomping every day at SmartEarly. You will see the rosy cheeks, sparkling eyes and smiling faces of children who exercise every day!

Because we know that good health goes hand-in-hand with learning, our curriculum for the classroom includes conversations and activities about health and exercise. Teachers create and develop Learning Experience Plans that educate children about exercise – where to exercise, fun ways to exercise and why it is important to us. Our goal is to encourage your child to enjoy regular exercise and develop a lifetime of healthy activity.